Episode 28 - Day Drunk In Bisbee

Doug's early morning, day drinking podcast to discuss the new neighbor, Last Gasp tour openers, Mr. Bank of America and the upcoming podcast and touring schedule.

Doug's City Council Video - John Michael Bond - Arnold's Tiki Bar

Recorded May 07, 2014 in Doug Stanhope's backyard in Bisbee with Doug Stanhope, Bingo and Greg Chaille. Engineered and Produced by Greg Chaille (@gregchaille).

Check Doug's June tour dates at dougstanhope.com. Take a moment to register for 2014 Stanhope Tour news in your area, including the USA, UK, Europe, Australia and more. Register now so you don't miss out.

Intro music "Don't Cut Yr Hair" by Mishka Shubaly. Closing song "Party Time" by The Mattoid.

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Episode 29 - Hennigan: Part 1


Episode 27 - Ultimate Legendary Melt Down Insane Comic James Inman